We are VERY PROUD to announce that we have been chosen as PR World Travel‘s CHARITY OF THE YEAR 2018.
“Our inspiration to form the charity came when the son of personal friends developed a terminal illness; he was given only months to live so both his parents gave up work to spend precious time with him. Their dream was to have one last holiday together and their wish was to go to Florida. We got involved in fundraising for them and decided to do a sponsored cycle ride Atlantic to the Mediterranean across France. We cycled Bordeaux to Narbonne on a tandem and with our help the family got their dream. We realized that many families with poorly children can’t afford holidays and this planted the idea, we decided that if we sent children on holiday in the UK we could help a lot more children and families.”
Andrew & Louise – founders of the charity and Trustee’s

Across the UK, a child is diagnosed with a severe disability every 25 minutes. Although some children need hospital care, 98% of disabled children live at home with a parent or other family member who may not have expected to be in this position but who has quickly had to become an expert.
Caring for a child with a disability or terminal illness can be a huge responsibility, not only physically and mentally but also financially. Many of these families are on a low income or benefits as they are forced to give up work to look after their sick or disabled child, and as such rarely, if ever, get the chance to enjoy a family holiday together.
How We Work.
Trewan Sands offer holidays through various holiday companies and other charitable organizations.
We work closely with local authority disability units, special needs schools and various other charities throughout the UK. All the Children & families who benefit from our holidays are referred to us directly from one of the above.
Our Loyal Supporters continued support allows us to make an enormous difference to the lives of the children and families that we help and gives them“Memories to Cherish”